Tools for Assistive Technology


What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology is defined as any piece of equipment, product system, or service used to increase, maintain, and/or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities or limitations (ATIA, 2017). This term can refer to any type of assistive, adaptive, or rehabilitative device along with the process of using these devices. Assistive technology can range from low tech to high tech devices depending on the individual need and their given environment.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to assistive technology. The Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program has a variety of demonstration videos to help you learn more about what types of devices are available, but know there is much more than even what you’ll see in our video library.

Contact us at any time with questions you may have.

Watch a Demonstration

Why Assistive Technology?

The use of assistive technology is appropriate when there is a barrier to accomplishing an activity of daily living. This may be caused by an array of chronic conditions and/or diagnoses. Assistive technology offers a possible solution that may help provide individuals with more independence and prevent additional harm or injury. For example, an individual who has paralysis may install Dragon Dictation software to their computer which would allow that individual to communicate and use their computer without having to type or read the screen. The usage of assistive technology is individualized to each person given their specific abilities, needs, and environment.

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Where Can I Find Assistive Technology?

Since assistive technology is such a broad term and has many variations, the best way to explore these options is to contact our assistive technology team. A team member will support you in identifying possible solutions that may assist a specific need, can provide demonstrations so you can see first-hand how to use the device, and can even work with you to secure a device free for 30 days, allowing you to decide if a particular device will work well before deciding to purchase. Together, we will find the right solution. If interested in first exploring on your own, our team invites you to explore the Assistive Technology Inventory site.
Visit our AT Inventory Site

Who We Serve

Easterseals Iowa provides exceptional services to ensure that all Iowans with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Our Story

The Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program has been at the forefront of recycling medical equipment in Iowa since the late 1970s before "recycled" equipment was readily available. Because of this longevity and experience, our Assistive Technology team has been in a position to coordinate and collaborate with the National Technology Act and serve as a subcontractor in this space for nearly 20 years. The Assistive Technology Program became the "implementing entity" in Iowa of the state Assistive Technology Act in 2017. The program is based at Camp Sunnyside in Des Moines, Iowa. Before this time these services were referred to as the Iowa Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT) which began operation in 1989. These services are funded under the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 as amended in 2004 (AT Act 2004).

Our Team

Tracy Keninger
Tracy Keninger
Rural Solutions and Assistive Technology Program Director
Office: 515-309-2371
TTY: 515-289-4069
Kevin Dalin
Assistant Director, Rural Rehabilitation/Assistive Technology
Office: 515-309-2385
TTY: 515-289-4069
Chuck Larson
Chuck Larson
Rural Rehabilitation Specialist

Office: 515-309-2370
TTY: 515-289-4069
Craig Mayes
Craig Mayes
Assistive Technology Center and Maintenance
Office: 515-309-2395
TTY: 515-289-4069
Stephanie Moritz
Rural Rehabilitation/Assistive Technology Professional
Office: 515-309-9781
TTY: 515-289-4069
Jessie Rudin
Rural Rehabilitation/Assistive Technology Professional
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Ben Weigel
Rural Rehabilitation/Assistive Technology Professional
Office: 515-309-2613
TTY: 515-289-4069
Vala Gashi Sharif
Assistive Technology Center On-site Coordinator
Office: 515-309-2381
TTY: 515-289-4069
Kim Karwal
Kim Chance
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 515-309-2394
TTY: 515-289-4069
Tomoko Yajima
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Jill Von Fumetti
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Lynette Plander
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Jessie Rudin
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Salem Nájera
Assistive Technology Center On-Site Coordinator
Office: 515-309-2381
TTY: 515-289-4069
Emma Bastian
Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069

Terry Osterhaus

Rural Rehabilitation/AT Center Technician
Office: 866-866-8782
TTY: 515-289-4069
Each year our program reports on our efforts to the Center for Assistive Technology Act Data Assistance, click here to find our historic data and Annual Progress Reports.

Our Partnerships and Sister Programs

The Easterseals Iowa team recognizes it takes a village. We are proud of the partnerships and programs that work to support our mission in this space.

Center for Disabilities and Development

Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology is proud to partner with the Center for Disabilities and Development, Iowa’s designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. The center, located at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, is dedicated to improving the health and independence of people with disabilities and creating a life with opportunities for everyone.
Learn More

Able Up

Able Up Iowa

Able Up Iowa is a subcontracted partner of the Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology program, working to help people of all abilities become independent by providing solutions to financial needs and empowering them to achieve financial goals. Able Up Iowa accomplishes this by providing flexible funding options, empowering Iowans through financial and credit coaching, resource counseling, benefits planning, and more.
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Iowa DD Council

Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council

The Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council) is a sister program to Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology, working to create change with and for persons with developmental disabilities so they can live, work, learn and play in the community of their choosing. The DD Council achieves this mission by engaging in advocacy, capacity building, and system change activities.
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Disability Rights Iowa

Disability Rights IOWA

Disability Rights IOWA - a law center for protection and advocacy - aims to defend and promote the human and legal rights of Iowans who have disabilities and mental illness. This valued sister program to Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology promotes safety, opportunity, access, and self-determination for all Iowans.
Learn More

Our Mission

Easterseals Iowa provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play in their communities. We provide a wide range of support for children and adults with disabilities to promote independence and opportunities throughout their lives. Easterseals Iowa gives the gift of hope, creates change, and finds solutions.
Learn More about Easterseals Iowa